Free Resources
Cutting Through Chaos Worksheet
When chaos hits - whether in your sector, organization, or community - it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. This worksheet is designed to help you cut through the noise and focus on what matters most.
Annual Priority Setting Worksheet
This annual planning worksheet is a powerful tool to help you reflect on your personal and professional goals and set clear priorities for the year ahead. It’s the same framework I use to align my vision and actions - designed to set you up for success.
Leadership Retreat Agenda
This end-of-year planning process has been the key to growing a 7-figure company, launching a second business, writing a book, and traveling the world. Refined over 13 years since founding Javelina, it combines insights from top business books and years of hands-on experience with my team and changemaking clients to help reflect on the past year and set intentional plans for the one ahead.
Identifying and Defining Core Values
It’s time to start exploring your unique personal values. Think of this as an investigation into the core values that most drive your choices and emotions, and yourself as the Chief Detective. Remembering that your core values drive your thoughts, feelings, and actions; your past is a rich well of clues as to what your core values are.
Understanding Values and Vehicles
When we are brainstorming what our core values are, we often end up with a long list of concepts and ideas that we know are important to us. The tricky part can be identifying which of those things are our core values, and which ones are vehicles that help us connect to our core values.