Education and tools for every changemaking team
These interactive sessions are for leadership and full teams to help you introduce the four-part framework for change into your daily work. You can customize your workshop, retreat, or event by selecting the sessions that most fit your needs.

Driving Change at the Local Level
Participants learn how to action the 4-part framework for driving impact, including immediate action steps.
60 minutes - 2 hours
Perfect for large events and newcomers to the social change sector.
Creating a Vision Story that Helps Propel Change
An interactive session in which teams write a vision story for their work that helps to drive the change you’re creating.
Half- or full-day
Perfect for leadership team retreats and new teams.
Core Values Discovery
Explore what your personal core values are, how they’re defined, and how they shape your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
2-4 hours
Perfect for full team retreats and large groups.
Core Values in Action
Builds upon the Core Values Discovery by using real scenarios to practice making decisions and navigating problems in alignment with core values.
2-4 hours
Perfect for leadership and full team retreats
Shadow Values
Builds upon Core Values Discovery and Action sessions.
We all have a shadow value - a driving need that can cause us to get in our own way. Participants learn about shadow values and identify theirs.
2-3 hours
Perfect for advanced values learning and leadership teams
The Action Audit
Learn a framework for honing in on the most essential projects and creating a prioritized plan for action that breaks bottlenecks and drives results.
Half- or full-day
Perfect for leadership teams, project teams, and annual planning.